“Our vision: We want all our gymnasts to reach their full potential and enjoy the journey getting there. Our investment into our Squad in terms of time, resource, money and external expertise reflects this ambitious plan. We believe it is fair that those selected to be in squad share this ambition and reflect it in their commitment, behaviour and attitude. We need the squad to lead by example in all areas of this Code of Conduct and be the gymnasts that the rest of the club aspire to be”


Before becoming a squad member we will invite your child to come to a trial session and then possibly a ‘trial period’ before making a decision.

Please do not apply pressure on our coaches to make a decision in favour of your child during or following this period. We do not tolerate harassment/bullying (emotional/physical or any other form) between our members and the same goes for our parents towards our staff. SAADI reserve the right to remove members with no notice if behaviour is deemed unjustifiably intimidating, threatening of acusational.

It’s important that you drop off and collect your child on time. Children should not be left in reception they must be registered and with a coach before you leave.

WhatsApp groups are for us to provide you with information. Please do not use them to tell us you are not attending or unwell etc. Please email this information to admin@saadigymnastics.co.uk

Planned holiday and events where you know a gymnast is going to miss a session should be emailed 3 weeks in advance to admin@saadigymnastics.co.uk   Attendance should be above 85%.

If you are going to be late, please contact us on our landline 01582 794931

You must be accessible at all times whilst your child is in the gym in case of serious injury. If you are not going to be accessible you must have arrangements for someone to be able collect them or attend hospital with them, and to make us aware.

We strongly discourage viewing your child from the gallery all session, every session. This can place unfair pressure on both the child and the coach.

Please make sure that your details on our Club Management System (COACHA) are kept up to date with your contact details and medical information.

It’s possible that emails from Coacha will go to your junk, please check regularly as we can not follow up with everyone to check they received communications.

Your child should be dressed in appropriate clothing. This includes leggings, shorts, tracksuit bottoms, leotards, stirrups. It does not include jeans or any clothing with buttons or zips that could damage the equipment.

Please ensure your child has their full kit which includes; bottle of water, bar equipment (unless kept in gym), the correct leotard/shorts/stirrups, foam roller.

No Jewellery including watches or Fit Bits.

Your child should understand the expectations we have for their behaviour.

Please make the Duty Manager (the person behind the desk) aware of any illness, concerns, questions you have about your child attending our classes.

During competitions, please do not challenge or argue with officials and publicly accept their judgements.

Please encourage your child to recognise success, development and achievements in other gymnasts. We want to encourage teamwork and comradery within the club.

Never force your child to take part in sport and do not punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.

Please support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport

If you wish to leave squad you are required to give 4 weeks notice. If you choose to leave immediately you will still be billed for the 4 weeks.