SAADI Gymnastics Club aims on tackling bullying

Policy objectives:

• This policy outlines what SAADI will do to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying.

• SAADI is committed to developing an anti-bullying culture where the bullying of

adults, children or young people is not tolerated in any form.

Links with other Club policies and practices This policy links with a number of other

policies, practices and action plans including:

• Codes of Conduct

• Welfare Officer Contact

• Child protection Policy

• BG Safeguarding Policy

Links to legislation There are a number of pieces of legislation which set out

measures and actions in response to bullying, as well as criminal and civil law.

These may include (but are not limited to):

• The Equality Act 2010

• The Children Act 1989

• Protection from Harassment Act 1997

• The Malicious Communications Act 1988

• Public Order Act 1986

We believe that bullying is wrong and it damages individual children. Therefore, we

do everything we can to prevent it, by developing a Club wide ethos in which bullying

is regarded as unacceptable. We aim to produce and maintain a safe and secure

environment where all gymnasts can develop and progress without anxiety. This

policy aims to produce a consistent response to any bullying incidents which may


Responsibilities It is the responsibility of:

• The Club Owners, Welfare Officers and Operations Manager to communicate

this policy to the Club community, to ensure that disciplinary measures are applied

fairly, consistently and reasonably, and that a member of the senior leadership team

has been identified to take overall responsibility.

• Welfare Officers to take a lead role in monitoring and reviewing this policy.

• All staff, including: committee member, volunteers, senior leadership and all staff

(full and part-time) to support, uphold and implement this policy accordingly.

• Parents/carers to support their children and work in partnership with the Club.

• Gymnasts to abide by the policy and show respect, tolerance and team work with

peers and coaches.

Definition of bullying

• Bullying is “behaviour by an individual or a group, repeated over time that

intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally”. (DfE

“Preventing and Tackling Bullying” 2017)

• Bullying can include: name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments;

kicking; hitting; taking belongings; producing offensive graffiti; gossiping; excluding

people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours.

• This includes the same unacceptable behaviours expressed online, sometimes

called online or cyberbullying. This can include: sending offensive, upsetting and

inappropriate messages by phone, text, instant messenger, through gaming,

websites, social media sites and apps, and sending offensive or degrading photos or


• Bullying can be a form of peer on peer abuse and can be emotionally abusive; it

can cause severe and adverse effects on children’s emotional development.

Bullying is action taken by one or more person(s) with the deliberate intention of

hurting another child over a period of time.

Bullying can be:

• Emotional: being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g hiding clothes or equipment,

threatening gestures)

• Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

• Racist: racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

• Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

• Homophobic: because of, of focussing on the issue of sexuality • Verbal: name

calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing

• Cyber: All areas of internet, such as e-mail and internet chat room misuse. Mobile

threats by text messaging and calls. Misuse of associated technology, i.e camera

and video facilities.

Forms of bullying covered by this policy

• Bullying can happen to anyone. This policy covers all types of bullying including:

Bullying related to race, religion, nationality or culture

• Bullying related to SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disability)

• Bullying related to appearance or physical/mental health conditions

• Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic bullying)

• Bullying of young carers, children in care or otherwise related to home


• Sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying

• Bullying via technology, known as online or cyberbullying

Signs and Symptoms

A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied. It is

important for adults to be aware of these possible signs and should investigate if a


• is frightened or unwilling of coming to gym

• becomes withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence cries themselves to sleep at

night or has nightmares feels ill during sessions

• begins to do poorly in their performance

• has possessions which are damaged or ‘go missing’

• has unexplained cuts and bruises (see Child Protection Policy)

• becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable

• is bullying other children or siblings

• stops eating

• is frightened to say what’s wrong

• gives improbable excuses for any of the above

• is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone

• is nervous and jumpy when a cyber message is received

These signs and behaviours could also indicate other problems, but bullying should

be considered a possibility and be investigated. SAADI Gymnastics Club

recognises that bullying, especially if left unaddressed, can have a devastating effect

on individuals; it can create a barrier to not only the performance of a gymnast, but

more importantly it can have serious consequences for mental wellbeing. By

effectively preventing and tackling bullying, our Club can help to create safe,

disciplined environment, where members are able to fulfil their potential in a fun, safe

and secure environment.

To support our anti-bullying ethos, our Club

• Monitors and reviews our anti-bullying policy and practice on a regular basis.

Supports staff to promote positive relationships, to help prevent bullying.

• Recognises that some members of our community may be more vulnerable to

bullying and its impact than others; being aware of this will help us to develop

effective strategies to prevent bullying from happening and provide appropriate

support, if required.

• Will intervene by identifying and tackling bullying behaviour appropriately and


• Ensures our members are aware that bullying concerns will be dealt with

sensitively and effectively; that everyone should feel safe to learn and abide by the

anti-bullying policy.

• Requires all members of the Club community to work with the us to uphold the antibullying policy.

• Reports back to parents/carers regarding concerns on bullying, dealing promptly

with complaints.

• Seeks to learn from good anti-bullying practice elsewhere.

• Utilises support from other relevant organisations when appropriate (e.g. NSPCC,

British Gymnastics, ThinkUKnow)

Responding to Bullying Allegations

The following steps may be taken when dealing with all incidents of bullying reported

to SAADI Gymnastics Club:

• If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by

the welfare office, who has been approached or witnessed the concern.

• The welfare officer will provide appropriate support for the person being bullied –

making sure they are not at risk of immediate harm and will involve them in any

decision-making, as appropriate.

• The welfare officer will interview all parties involved.

• The welfare officer will inform other staff members, and parents/ carers, where

appropriate. Sanctions and support for individuals will be implemented, in

consultation with all parties concerned.

• If necessary, other agencies may be consulted or involved, such as: the police (if a

criminal offence has been committed) or other local services including early help or

children’s social care (if a child is felt to be at risk of significant harm).

• Where the bullying takes place off site or outside of the Club times (including

cyberbullying), the Club will ensure that the concern is fully investigated. Appropriate

action will be taken, including providing support and implementing sanctions in the

Club in accordance with the behaviour codes of conduct/ policy.

• A clear and precise account of the incident will be recorded by the welfare officers

in accordance with existing procedures. This will include recording appropriate

details regarding decisions and action taken.

When responding to cyberbullying concerns, the Club will:

• Act as soon as an incident has been reported or identified.

• Provide appropriate support for the person who has been cyberbullied and work

with the person who has carried out the bullying to ensure that it does not happen


• Encourage the person being bullied to keep any evidence (screenshots) of the

bullying activity to assist any investigation.

• Take all available steps where possible to identify the person responsible. This may

include: looking at use of the procedures and systems;

• identifying and interviewing possible witnesses;

• Contacting the service provider and the police, if necessary.

• Work with the individuals and online service providers to prevent the incident from

spreading and assist in removing offensive or upsetting material from circulation.

This may include:

• Support reports to a service provider to remove content if those involved are unable

to be identified or if those involved refuse to or are unable to delete content.

• Banning or restricting the use of mobile devices within the gymnastics hall and child

led areas.

• Requesting the deletion of locally-held content and content posted online if they

contravene behavioural policies.

Gymnasts who have been bullied will be supported by:

• Reassuring the child and providing continuous support.

• Offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with the welfare officer

or a member of staff of their choice that they are comfortable with

• Being advised to keep a record of the bullying as evidence and discuss how

respond to concerns and build resilience as appropriate.

• Working towards restoring self-esteem and confidence.

• Providing ongoing support; this may include: working and speaking with staff,

offering welfare meetings or drop ins, engaging with parents and carers.

Gymnasts who have perpetrated the bullying will be helped by:

• Discussing what happened, establishing the concern and the need to change.

• Informing parents/carers to help change the attitude and behaviour of the child.

• Providing appropriate knowledge and support regarding their behaviour or actions.

• If online, requesting that content be removed and reporting accounts/content to

service provider.

• Sanctioning, in line with behaviour conduct policy (in extreme circumstances this

may mean the removal of membership from the Club.)

• Where necessary, working with the wider community and local/national

organisations to provide further or specialist advice and guidance

Supporting adults Our Club takes measures to prevent and tackle bullying among

gymnasts; however, it is equally important to recognise that bullying of staff and

parents, whether by children, parents or other staff members, is unacceptable.

Adults (staff and parents) who have been bullied or affected will be supported by:

• Offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the concern with the welfare team

• Advising them to keep a record of the bullying as evidence and discuss how to

respond to concerns and build resilience, as appropriate.

• Where the bullying takes place off site or outside of normal hours (including online),

the Club will still investigate the concern and ensure that appropriate action is taken

in accordance with the behaviour policy and code of conduct.

• Reporting offensive or upsetting content and/or accounts to the service provider,

where the bullying has occurred online.

• Reassuring and offering appropriate support.

• Working with the wider community and local/national organisations to provide

further or specialist advice and guidance

Preventing bullying

Environment The Club community will:

• Create and support an inclusive environment which promotes a culture of mutual

respect, consideration and care for others, which will be upheld by all.

• Recognise that bullying can be perpetrated or experienced by any member of the

Club community, including adults and children (peer on peer abuse).

• Openly discuss differences between people that could motivate bullying, such as:

religion, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality or appearance related difference. Also

children with different family situations, such as looked after children or those with

caring responsibilities.

• Challenge practice and language which does not uphold the values of tolerance,

non-discrimination and respect towards others.

• Be encouraged to use technology, especially mobile phones and social media

positively and responsibly (see social media policy)

• Work with staff, the wider community and outside agencies to prevent and tackle

concerns including all forms of prejudice-driven bullying.

• Actively create “safe spaces” for vulnerable children and young people. These can

include human resources such as the welfare team.

• Celebrate success and achievements to promote and build a positive Club ethos.


The policy will be reviewed annually and should be read in conjunction with the

British Gymnastics Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies.

Useful links and supporting organisations

• Anti-Bullying Alliance:

• Childline:

• Family Lives:

• Kidscape:

• MindEd: uk


• The BIG Award:

• Victim Support:

• Young Minds:


• Changing Faces:

• Mencap:

• Anti-Bullying Alliance Cyberbullying and children and young people with SEN and



• DfE: SEND code of practice:


• Childnet International:

• Digizen:

• Internet Watch Foundation:

• Think U Know:

• UK Safer Internet Centre:

• The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)