Our Centre is run by Everyone Active (EA). This is there lockdown policy should a serious event occur.

EAP 3.4 - Security Incidents - Dynamic / Security Lockdown

If an attack is directly aimed at the centre and is outside the building

(possibly during an event)

The ability to frustrate and delay the attacker(s) and reduce the number of potential casualties can be greatly increased through dynamic lockdown.

Dynamic lockdown of the site may lead to many people being ‘locked outside’ and more vulnerable to the perceived threat. However, allowing continued access to the site might permit the threat to enter the building and make those inside more vulnerable.

Each incident must be assessed on the information known at the time. Good internal and external information and communications systems are crucial.

Invacuation Shelter

During some incidents where the threat is external to the building, or its precise direction and scale is unknown; evacuating the centre may not be the safest option.

In these circumstances, it will be better to remain in the centre and to move people away from vulnerable areas such as windows and glass walls and into and behind more substantial structures.

An Invacuation is most likely to be the outcome if there has been an environmental issue involving toxic gases or fumes outside of the centre.

Invacuation Process

EAP 3.4.1 All Colleagues will:

On become award of a security incident / attack outside the building 

  1. Immediately notify the Duty Manager of the attack in progress and the incident location.

  2. All available colleagues (excluding lifeguards on pool duty) to report to Reception on hearing the pre-invacuation PA or Radio Message

  3. Reassure the public and monitor their activity during invacuation to prevent exit from the building until safe to do so.

EAP 3.4.2 The Duty Manager will:

On become award of a security incident / attack outside the building   

  1. Contact the Police too notify them of the incident and initiate the pre-invacuation PA and Radio message

             PA/Radio Message/Vocal message:

Will all available colleagues report to reception”

  1. Secure main entry / exit routes from the building and instruct available colleagues to supervise exit routes before making the full Invacuating message

PA/Radio/Vocal message Message:    

“Your attention please, your attention please. Due to an incident outside of the building, customers are required to remain in the centre until further notice. Please follow the direction of the Staff and further information will be given in due course”. 

If no PA system, then Radio Message to Colleagues to cascade the above message to   customers in their area

  1. Switch off and close ventilations systems to the centre if chemical attack or incident is suspected

  2. Always remain in constant communication with the Police during the incident and follow their instructions and advice

  3. Provide further updates and information on the situation to colleagues and customers at least once every 10 minutes until notified by the police that the threat has passed.

  4. Follow EAP 1 Serious Incident Management Procedure (SIMP)

Centre Lockdown

Similar to an invacuation, during some incidents where the threat is external to the site, or its precise direction and scale is unknown; evacuating the building may not be the safest option.

In these circumstances, it will be better to remain in the Centre and to move people away from vulnerable areas such as windows and glass walls and into and behind more substantial structures.

This process is known as a lockdown and is most likely to be the outcome if there has been a suspected terrorist or criminal act has been committed or is the process of being committed outside of the centre.

Lockdown process

EAP 3.4.3 The Duty Manager will:

On becoming aware or being notified by the police of a terrorist incident outside or near to the building)    

  1. Notify Police of any threat received or nearby incident taking place by calling the Anti-Terrorism hotline 0800 789321

  2. Invite those persons exterior and in close proximity into the centre

  3. Instruct colleagues and customers to remain in the centre until further notice by making the PA and Radio Messaging below. (Instruct Colleagues not to activate the fire alarm, as this may cause colleagues to commence the evacuation procedure)

PA/Radio/Vocal Message:    

“Your attention please, your attention please. Due to an incident outside of the building, customers are required to remain in the centre until further notice. Please follow the direction of the Staff and further information will be given in due course” This centre is now in Lockdown” 

If no PA system, then Radio Message to Colleagues to cascade the above message to   customers in their area  

  1. Designate a safe Rendezvous (RV) point within the building for all colleagues and customers to gather

  2. Alert colleagues by radio message to make their way to the designated RV point

  3. Coordinate a check of all external access points and ensure they are closed and secure. Where possible colleagues are to work in pairs and always maintain radio communication with the Duty Manager

  4. Coordinate colleagues and customers to a safe holding area, (as far away from the incident location as possible)

  5. Always remain in constant communication with the Police during the incident, following their instructions and advice

  6. If Instructed by the Police evacuate the centre if it becomes safe to do so

  7. Follow EAP1 Serious Incident Management Procedure (SIMP)